Hellsing (the original title Herushingu)
is a manga written and illustrated by Kota Hirano, originally published in Japan from 1998 to 30 September 2008, date on which the magazine has serialized Hellsing, Young King Ours, published the last chapter of the work. In Italy, the manga was originally published by Dynamic Italy in its series Legend, but after the change of staff rights are passed to Jpop is currently re-releasing it.
Despite the view of the manga and stories abound of experimentation not in common, Hellsing is distinguished for his dark humor and sharp satire of the various religious denominations, which resemble Hellsing more fanatical secret societies. Each volume of the manga is reserved for adults because of the topics discussed, and the splatter scenes in each chapter.
The Royal Protestant Knights of Order that the "Royal Order Protestant Knights" (referring to the Protestant Christians) are a noble family in London, known as Hellsing, who for generations to fight against creatures that most people ignore the ' existence: vampires, ghouls, and any non-human entity that generally is called "monster".
The Hellsing operates in secret and has long since become a paramilitary organization in the service of His Majesty. Integra Fairbrook Wingates in command there Hellsing (Hellsing direct descendant of the first Lord) that a teenager is forced to take control of the Order. Arthur's father, ill and near death, he orders his daughter, should feel threatened, go into the basement of the mansion where he lives something that can protect it. On the death of his father, uncle of Integra tries to kill his niece, bothered by the fact that Arthur has preferred his daughter as successor as head of the family. Integra, as suggested by his father, he hides in the secret of the mansion, where he finds a corpse. My uncle still can not find it there to shoot her. The first shot only grazes, but the blood is sufficient to awaken the body, which instantly kills his uncle and his minions. Integra is thus face to face with Alucard, a vampire in the service of the Hellsing family for over a century, and trump organization, for the will of Arthur, was locked in the basement many years ago.
The girl, though still very young, becomes the Master (Owner) Alucard. They spend ten years since that episode and Integra is now a woman.
When in London the number of vampires grows exponentially in the Vatican begins to move, sending the exorcist priest Alexander Anderson, the best agent dell'Iscariota (thirteenth secret division of the Catholic Church), to Baydrick, the border area between Catholics and territories Protestants, however, these appearances of ghouls seem to follow any logic, it is as if the canonical rules for creating undead have been circumvented, it seems that all this was orchestrated by someone.
So the ghosts make their appearance 50 years ago, the Nazis of the Millennium. All this time they have acted in the shadows trying to realize the dream that half a century before it was broken: the landing in England, the destruction of London, but also the annihilation of Alucard and the Hellsing family. A full-scale war from which no one will be called off.